The Rapture In A Nutshell

The Witnessed Rapture In A Nutshell Revealing the Biblical Parallels, Patterns, Pictures, and Types
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The Rapture Articles

The Origin Of The Word Translated “Rapture”
The English word, rapture, simply comes from the Latin translation, rapiemur, of the Koiné Greek word, harpazo, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. Almost all modern Bibles translate this word as: “caught up”.

Imminency, as it Relates to Bible Prophecy
Imminency, as it relates to Bible prophecy, simply means that the return of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach for his bride is anticipated and approaching. It does not mean it will happen instantly.

The Importance of a Witnessed Rapture
Why is it important that the rapture be witnessed? The witnessed rapture brings glory to Yahweh whereas an instant disappearing rapture allows Satan to steal glory that only belongs to Yahweh / Yeshua.

Wedding Vows At Mount Sinai
The event at Mount Sinai was clearly a wedding ceremony. That the Hebrews were called to be Yahweh’s bride is attested to in many scriptures. Yahweh called the Hebrews to be his bride and he is their only true husband.

A Midrash On The Exodus by Paul
Did you know that Rabbi Paul’s writing in Thessalonians 4 is a typical rabbinical teaching style called a Midrash? Paul takes the account of the Hebrew’s exodus from Egypt and applies it to the future rapture of the bride.

The Gathering Together and Great Escapes
Yahweh / Yeshua always stands between his people and their adversaries. The Sea of Suf and Mount of Olives vividly portray this reality. Yahweh / Yeshua always goes before his people to lead them into the promised land. The entry into the promised land through the Jordan River vividly portrays this reality. Yeshua has also gone before us and has crossed the river of death into life.

Closed Doors, Hidings, Or Concealments
Those who hope in The Rapture are often attacked for looking for the great escape, for the hiding away from calamity. This, some say, is pure fantasy. But the scriptures say that this hope is no fantasy at all, but reality – those who are called up in the Rapture will be hidden away, concealed in the secret places during the time of Yahweh’s wrath.

The Rapture Patterns – Yahweh’s H’s, R’s, and D’s
All that Yahweh has made and ordained has a pattern. The sun, moon, and stars follow the courses he has established. The Earth orbits the sun. The seed is planted, grows, and produces more seed. Order, arrangement, and patterns are all part of Yahweh’s way of doing things – he is not the god of chaos. One of those patterns I’ve discovered is the pattern of Harpazo, Heralding, and Havoc; Rapture, Revelation, and Ruination; or if you prefer, Departure, Dialog, and Destruction, all of which describe the Rapture before the Tribulation Period.

People and Others Who Are Raptured In the Body or In The Spirit
Scripture has a lot to say about the Rapture, and about the people who have already been raptured. There are two types of rapture: 1) Bodily Rapture, and 2) Spiritual Rapture. In every case those who have already been raptured In the Body have three things in common: Advance Notice, Witnesses, and Horses. Other phenomenon may include whirlwinds and chariots of fire. Many have been raptured In the Spirit. It is safe to declare that when there is no presence of witnesses who see a bodily rapture, horses, chariots of fire, or whirlwinds, then it is only a rapture In the Spirit.

The Integral Part of Horses in the Rapture
Scripture is filled with narratives about horses and chariots, but few have ever realized that horses may play an integral part in the Rapture of the Bride of Yeshua. Other books mentioned in the scriptures also speak of horses and their part in a person’s rapture.

LA Marzulli’s White Horse Vision
LA Marzulli has on several occasions spoken of the white horse he saw in a vision. Here is a synopsis of that account he gave during an interview with Pastor Matt Freeman:

The Bride of Yeshua Is Seen In Heaven
Revelation gives a clear picture of events to come, their sequence, and whether or not the Bride of Yeshua, commonly referred to as The Church, is in heaven during this period of time.

The Rapture Crown – The Crown of Righteousness
The Rapture Crown, called the Crown of Righteousness by Paul, is only available for those who are longingly waiting for Yeshua to appear, for those who prepare and encourage one another until that time. Only those who live in conformity to Yahweh’s commands, who have their minds transformed, and who willing follow Yeshua are amongst the many who are looking for his appearing.

The Rapture Overcomer
The person who overcomes is a person who has prevailed, risen above, triumphed over, or defeated the catastrophes, disasters, heartbreaks, misfortunes, and tragedies of this world. This person has taken Yeshua into his heart – they are faithful and will never deny their faith in Yeshua.

Advance Notices Are The Norm
‘Advance Notice’ is the scriptural norm. In every case the person being raptured knows he will be:
• Enoch had a full year of advance notice (Enoch 81:5-6).
• Elijah and two schools of prophets knew the day of his departure (2 Kings 2:3-5).
• Yeshua knew about his departure prior to going to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to be crucified (Luke 9:30-31).

Apostasia – The Departure
Does Paul’s use of the word apostasia indicate a spiritual departure, or a spatial departure, or both – let’s take a closer look

Gone in a Twinkling
Poof! We’re gone in an instant but our clothes, jewelry, and other worldly items simply fall to the ground. This “in the twinkling of an eye” image of The Rapture being instantaneous has been popularized by numerous books, including Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ Left Behind series, and Joel C. Rosenberg’s Dead Heat.

Gone in a Time
Not once does scripture give an account of an instantaneous rapture after a resurrection. The “gone in an instant” image makes for great reading, for simply good fiction, but is not supported by scripture. The many patterns revealed in the scriptures show a progression of well witnessed events over time.

Alton RaganThe Dead Rise First
Alton Ragan and his coauthor, Robert McLaughlin, have also noticed the resurrection and rapture patterns in scripture and Alton has documented these in a series of several videos. He has also written a book confirming Titled: The Dead Rise First: Rapture Countdown.

No One Knows the Day or Hour
The case for “You do not know the day or the hour” being an actual Jewish idiom is very sound. Yeshua himself proclaims that he can only come at the set Time and Season that the Father “has set by his own authority”. Yeshua’s return will only happen at a Set Time and Season. Yeshua himself proclaims that we are to look up when we see our “redemption is near” – in other words, when we see signs that we are in the season of the final Yom Teruah.

The Jewish Wedding Pattern
The Jewish Wedding Ceremony is full of significant rituals and is a perfect prophetic parallel of the coming of Yeshua to take his church to be his Bride, a dress rehearsal for The Rapture.

The Moedim Pattern
The moedim are one-time events that do not repeat. The coming of Yeshua for his bride is not a random event. It was planned before the foundations of the earth were laid. The imminent return we should be looking for is the Resurrection of the Dead in Yeshua.

The Ultimate Party
If prior events are the pattern, then the Rapture is going to be the noisiest, most jubilant celebration Heaven has ever witnessed – It isn’t going to be a quiet affair, for sure! he Rapture, the gathering together in the clouds, is accompanied by Yeshua shouting, an Angel speaking in a loud voice, and the trumpet (voice) of Yahweh.

Proved: The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Proved
In numerous scriptures a period of seven years of tribulation, trial, and judgment is described. It is during this period that the Antichrist is revealed and the saints are overcome, as described by the Prophets, Daniel, and Revelation. It is also during this period that scripture tells us that large numbers of people will accept Yeshua as their Messiah. But the Rapture takes place before any of this happens.

We Wait For The Rapture
Exercise whatever time you have to repent and trust Yeshua for your eternal salvation. Do not test Yahweh’s patience and wait too long. Be sure that you do not miss The Rapture, that blessed hope when Yeshua shouts (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18), or worse yet, spend eternity in the Lake of Fire experiencing eternal damnation for failing to accept him as your Lord and Savior.

Summary of Topics
The Rapture is real. It is indeed, our blessed hope. The patterns depict a pre-tribulation rapture without any shadow of doubt. The door has been opened and the Bride of Christ has been taken to Heaven, the crowns have been given, the Bride is clothed in white (Revelation 4), and the songs are being sung (Revelation 5). The redeemed whom Yeshua has purchased are present and accounted for. The Bride will be given its Sabbath rest as a result of Yeshua’s shed blood, and sings new songs to confirm this fact while enjoying being in Heaven (Revelation 15:3).

Here are testimonies and comments made by various people:
Thanks again for what you do, for your thoughtful and detailed, not to mention fascinating report, Jeff! I would prefer to be an “orthodox Christian” so appreciate the tutoring!

I have just read through Jeff’s Notable Prophecy Events. It is very well done as it covers the place of Israel in the events that are not taking place.

I thank you for your past articles which stimulate my thinking.

Right on about so-called Easter! Christmas too is pagan. Pagan holidays are these, indeed, unworthy of having anything “Christian” attached to them. As to military news. What a great page! I am glad to have found it.

Thank you, brother, for this encouraging text. I am glad to have found your page! And I wish you and your family much strength and the blessing of the Lord.

General Testimonies

Comments From the Articles About The Witnessed Rapture:
• You are a blessing to me!
• Your words encourage me.
• I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts.
• More great lessons. I am learning so much. I agree with you
• Be Blessed, don’t worry about the nay sayers.
• Very well written message on the Rapture, I agree with you 100%,
• This a great summary and teaching of this topic!
• Very interesting article – thank you. I agree with your statements
• Thank you for your stance on this topic. I’ve held this same view for some time and never really understood how an instantaneous disappearance rapture was arrived at from Paul simply stating that we would be “changed” in a moment.
• 1Corinthians 15:52 says we will all be “changed in the twinkling of an eye.” So we’ll have glorified, eternal bodies put on, but it doesn’t say that we’ll depart at that twinkling.
• The change is the twinkling, the departure isn’t! Your article is a breath of fresh air!!!
• I say, I agree with you that the resurrected and raptured WILL be seen as we are taken up. Enoch was seen being caught up, because witnesses recorded that “he was not, for God took him.” How did they know that was what happened to him unless they SAW him taken up? The way I read it, we will be caught up at the same time, WITH the resurrected dead after they have been resurrected and are standing upon the earth with us. Then we’ll all be “caught up together…”
• The entire world will see the rapture, before, after or both via a heaven activated vision. Benefit: hope for those left behind.
• The bible clearly states that people witnessed all the other rapture events. If there are witnesses to the event, there will be millions who can tell others what happened….. I’m inclined to accept that people will see this event, and how awesome that would be for the ones who see, as they will probably end up being the ones left to lead others to Christ. (and this world will need them)
• Your idea is quite plausible. I’m not stuck on the Left Behind version-seems a bit tame for our Lord.
• Thank you for your insights. I have always believed according to Scripture, that the Rapture will not only be visible to all, but will be very loud. So, when Jesus comes down, we will be CHANGED in a moment. It does not say we will disappear. Our bodies will instantly become immortal. That will happen suddenly. Nothing about disappearing. We will be changed “in a moment” but that does not necessarily mean (or specifically say) we will also leave that quickly.
• Your thoughts on it being a witnessed event for those left on earth is very fascinating to me. What you say makes a lot of sense.
• I believe your assessment by use of scriptural referencing is correct that the Rapture will be a witnessed event.
• Just finished reading your to the point discourse, adequately supported by Scripture, very insightful and encouraging. What a witness that will be to His Glory.
• The points you brought up about the other witnessed rapture events in the Bible could make the witnessed rapture of the Church a possibility.
• Excellent article and you make a great case for the Rapture having witnesses, from scripture, thanks for the insight as it makes perfect sense, as those who saw their friends, family, coworkers, ascend into heaven will know what happened and perhaps embolden them to give there lives for Christ during the tribulation,
• For a long time I have thought that as the end approach’s our understanding of the events will need to be modified due to an increase of knowledge etc. Your suggestion of a witnessed rapture certainly falls in that category. That position has stimulated much thinking.
• I have wondered as well as to the immediate disappearance of the Bride or if the people omitted will see us actually ascend. We can rest assured that our Lord will use this event to His glory in the fullest so I’m inclined to believe the latter.

Rapture Testimonies Two