Insights, Prophetic Portents

For Such A Time As This

Esther 4:14 – “Who knows whether you came [to life] precisely for such a time as this.” [Paraphrase]
Every person living today was born to this time – not thousands of years ago, not centuries ago, – but at this time.
Every person living today was born to this time for a purpose.

Known Before Birth
Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I separated you for myself.”
1 Peter 1:20 – “Yahweh knew him before the founding of the universe, but manifested him in these last times.”
Not only does Yahweh know all souls before they are born, Yahweh knows precisely just when he allows each soul to be born as a human being, the exact number of days that soul will live (Psalm 139:16), and whether or not that soul will ultimately choose to accept Yeshua as their savior.

Final Days Happenings
Matthew 24:12 – “Lawlessness will increase so much the love of many will grow cold.”
2 Timothy 3:1 – “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
The final days of human government over the earth under Ha’Satan’s rulership will be days of raging insanity, brutal aggression, wars and rumors of wars, and every kind of lustful passion, just to mention a few. The “gods” of old will reinsert their authority and attempt to diminish or extinguish Yeshua’s reign.

Final Days People
2 Peter 2:9-10 – “Yahweh knows how to rescue the godly from their trials, and how to hold the unrighteous for punishment at the day of judgment, especially those who indulge their fleshly desires and who despise authority.”
This verse is perhaps one of the most important, yet terrifying verses in the Newer Covenant scriptures. It contains two statements of great significance:
1 – Yahweh knows how to rescue the godly.
BUT even more significant and terrifying,
2 – Yahweh knows how to hold the unrighteous for punishment.

The Last Hurrah of the Unrighteous
Revelation 20:7-8 – “Now when the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to bring them together for the battle. They are as numerous as the grains of sand in the sea.”
Upon the completion of Yeshua’s one thousand year reign, the last of the last unrighteous will gather together with Satan to attempt to overthrow Yahweh/Yeshua. This attempt will be futile, and at long last all the unrighteous will be eradicated (Revelation 20:9).

Coming Thereafter
2 Peter 3:7 – “The heavens and earth are being kept until the Day of Judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.”
Just reflect upon what the Bible scriptures tell us:
• – Yahweh knows a soul before it is born
• – Yahweh knows the exact number of days that soul will live
• – Yahweh knows the last days will be days of increasing lawlessness
• – Yahweh is keeping the heavens and earth until the Day of Judgment
• – Yahweh will destroy the ungodly at the Day of Judgment

Now reflect upon this:
• – What if that soul whom Yahweh knew would reject Yeshua is now walking this earth.
• – What if that soul has been kept unborn until this time because Yahweh knew it would be unrighteous?
• – What if the increase in worldwide lawlessness is due to Yahweh’s unleashing the ungodly, unrighteous, wicked, sinful, unholy, Lucifer Loving, Yeshua rejecting souls to be born just in time for the Day of Judgment?

Revelation 22:12 – “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with me to give to each person according to what he has done.
Yeshua is about to return to rescue the godly and punish the unrighteous. There appears to be an increasing number of those unrighteous souls, born for such a time as this, walking the earth today.
Is this why lawlessness is burgeoning? I believe it is!

Final Thought for 2024
Time is short – Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is coming soon. So, what are we to do while we wait for our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, to appear?
Watch And Be Ready: Matthew 24:42, 25:13; Mark 13:33; Luke 12:40, 21:36; 1 Thessalonians 5:6
Pray And Be Ready: Luke 12:40, 21:36; Matthew 24:42, 25:13; Mark 13:33; 1 Thessalonians 5:6
Purify Oneself: 1 John 3:2-3
Abide In Yeshua: 1 John 2:27-28, 3:2, 4:13-16; Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:11; Mark 8:38
Look For His Coming: Hebrews 9:28;Acts 1:11; Titus 2:11-13; Isaiah 25:9