
Coinkydinks and Coronavirus

White House Correspondent Bill Koenig, in his book, Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, has documented dozens of events initiated by the United States that impacted Israel in a negative manner by expecting a division of the land. Generally speaking, each of these events has resulted in a natural, economic, or political disaster hitting the US within 48 hours.

The Deal of the Century
The First Events:

  • 1. The Trump Deal of the Century was presented at the White House on January 28, 2020, including maps which clearly indicated a dividing of the land of Israel into two or more sections.
  • 2. The UN also insisted that resolutions 242, 338, and 2334 be enforced, demanding that Israel be divided into a two-state entity.

The Coinkydinks:

  • 1. Literally just forty minutes after President Trump posted his “Deal Of The Century” map on his Twitter account, the Miami, Florida financial district was rocked with a 7.7 earthquake.
  • 2. The Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic began its worldwide expansion the same day: January 28th.
  • 3. The first human-to-human transmission of Coronavirus in the United States, according to the CDC, was determined to be on January 31st.

The Next Events:

  • 1. On March 1st the AIPAC conference began. The Main topic was President Trump’s “Deal of the Century”, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fully supported.
  • 2. On March 2nd Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, and US Ambassador to Israel Friedman all spoke of the Trump peace plan at AIPAC.
  • 3. On March 3rd Jared Kushner told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that settlement construction in Israel must stop.

The Coinkydinks:

  • 1. On March 3rd A massive 165 mph tornado devastated Nashville, Tennessee around 2am. At least 48 structures collapsed around Nashville, according to the Nashville Fire Department and more than two dozen buildings and business were destroyed or damaged.
  • 2. The next day, on March 4th, a massive Wall Street sell-off began, and the Dow Jones lost just under 1000 points.
  • 3. European Union Nations are added to Coronavirus quarantine list also on March 4th.
  • 4. On march 6th El Al canceled flights to San Francisco and Europe due to the ‘unprecedented’ Coronavirus crisis.

The Passover
Jeremiah 9:23-24 – “The wise man should not boast of his wisdom, the powerful should not boast of his power, the wealthy should not boast of his wealth; instead, let the boaster boast about this: that he understands and knows Yahweh.”
Because of the Coronavirus lockdowns, for the first time in ages Israelis were confined to their individual homes and had to celebrate Passover as it first happened in Egypt – no huge group gatherings, just individual family gatherings!

On the seventh day of this seven day Passover celebration, April 14, 2020, the world population hit 7,777,777,777. Neither riches, power, nor wisdom could prevent this from happening. Prophetically speaking, seven is usually considered to be the number of completeness. The number ten is also considered a complete and perfect number, and this number, 7,777,777,777, has 10 sevens! We are looking at Double Completeness! Just Coinkydink, no doubt.

According to some, the Coronavirus pandemic is a plan by the Globalist elites to put into force a one world government. Their plan is to eliminate all national borders. If this speculation is correct, it must be devastating to those Globalists that over 180 nations have now closed their borders! So much for a borderless world, eh? Just Coinkydink, no doubt.

Genesis 12:3 – “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you.”
Dividing the land of Israel is never a bright idea. Every time a President of the United States has attempted to do so, a natural, economic or political disaster has the US within 48 hours. Yahweh’s foreign policy is still very much in effect – “mess with Israel, I’ll mess with you.” And since the world nations also have sought to divide Israel, now the world itself is fully divided, a major setback to the Globalist plan to immediately remove all borders. Not until the set time will Yahweh allow the one-world government borderless plan to coalesce.

Final Thought
Yahweh does nothing without first giving advance notice (Amos 3:7). Tom Horn, along with several scientists have set the impact of Wormwood on the Earth in April 2029. If this date corresponds with the mid-tribulation period described in Revelation 8:10-11, then time is incredibly short, and advance notice has been given – Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is coming soon – Be sure he is your Redeemer, King, and High Priest.